You’re likely already familiar with the benefits of massage: they can help reduce muscle tension and pain, help you relax and improve overall wellbeing.
While most massage styles offer these benefits, there are some key differences.
Today we’ll be taking a look at Thai massages and explain what to expect from your treatment.
History of Thai Massage
Thai massage or Thai yoga massage is a traditional therapy that was developed more than 2500 years ago by Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha (Shivago Kompara) a friend of the Buddha who had experience in medicine, massage and healing.
Despite the name, you may be surprised to learn this massage style actually originated in India. Traditionally, the techniques work to mobilise the body using Ayurvedic principles such as the doshas and the Four Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, and Air) to improve wellbeing.
Today, Thai massage is still widely practised in Asian countries and modern adaptations can be found globally.

How is it different?
While Thai massage offers many of the same benefits as traditional massage, there are some key differences in techniques.
It’s important to note that at Massage One, our approach to Thai massage has been adapted from traditional methods. Though Thai massages are often performed on a mat on the floor, at Massage One we will use a table.
Here’s how it differs from our other services:
- More energetic
Unlike remedial or relaxation massage, where you are mostly still, Thai massage is a more active massage. In fact, it is often called ‘lazy yoga’ as it involves moving your body into various positions that are similar to yoga poses. This unique style allows your body to be stretched, reducing muscle tension, improving mobility and increasing flexibility.
Even though it is more active, you will still feel relaxed and enjoy the stress-releasing benefits of massage as well.
- Different techniques
During your Thai massage, your therapist will use various parts of their body to improve mobility. This includes hands, feet, knees and elbows. This style allows deeper stretching than possible by simply using the upper body.
- Improved mobility
The unique style of Thai massage can help improve mobility and flexibility. By manually stretching the body into yoga-like positions, you can experience release through tense areas such as the back, shoulders, hamstrings and glutes. Just like yoga, the more often you have a Thai massage, the greater the benefits will be.
Preparing for Thai Massage
Preparing for a Thai massage is much the same as any other. During your treatment, you will remain fully clothed and no oil is used. We encourage you to wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes that allow you to move freely.
We recommend you try to avoid rushing to your appointment and take five minutes prior to relax. This will ensure your muscles aren’t tense, your mind is calm and you can reap the full benefits!
As it is quite active, try to avoid having a big meal before. A light lunch or snack is recommended. Afterwards, try to continue to relax and ensure you are well hydrated.
Book yours online now!
Want to try Thai massage for yourself? We have a number of qualified therapists ready to help you feel your best! Book your appointment online here.